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There's a new EVP up on our Youtube channel! This one is from a favorite place to investigate that's never disappointed for activity - it was captured right here in Colorado, in the Central City Catholic Cemetery. Give it a listen here and let us know what you think, and don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel!
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Impromptu ghost hunt at Denver's Cheesman Park! Did you know that Cheesman used to be one of Denver's biggest cemeteries and that there are still several thousand bodies buried there beneath the lush green lawns and flowers?
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Sometimes you find the strangest things completely by accident here in Colorado. I was out for a drive not far from my house and spotted these lonely, sunken pioneer graves a bit off the side of the road. There's only one headstone: E. L. Strickler, 1856-1905.
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Took a weekend visit to Nevadaville, Colorado. This ghost town once hosted a booming population of over a thousand hopeful souls, and today there are less than ten residents. Just west of Central City, it's an eerie place to visit.
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Happy news! The Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs is no longer being bought out or shut down! Hooray!!! Here's to many more ghosthunts there.
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Getting in one last paranormal investigation at the historic Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs before it closes. We're gonna miss this place!
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One of our favorite haunts, the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs, CO, has announced a buyout and closing. We're really, really sad about this. Here's to hoping not all the history is lost. Read the article here.
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Things have quieted down a little for the GHG Team as we're all busy with the holidays; the weather is colder and limits outdoor investigations and travel, and this is always our "down time". We'll be taking advantage of this to work on adding more stories to the website, more videos on Youtube, and also to work on some exciting group photos we'll be posting soon! We're also eyeing a few places for indoor ghost hunting investigations right here in our local Denver area.
So curl up in front of a cozy fire this cold winter and stay tuned for some spooky tales from the Ghost Hunter Girls! :)
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There's a new EVP up on our Youtube channel! This EVP was captured during a nighttime investigation of Nordhoff Cemetery in Ojai, California. A digital recorder was left on the grave of a young girl while we investigated elsewhere, and this was captured on the audio. What does it sound like to you? Give it a listen here.
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Heidi returns to Central City, Colorado to investigate rumors of hauntings in Russel Gulch Cemetery and Nevadaville.
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Many thanks to the Spirits of the Rockies Paranormal Convention and The Historic Plains Hotel for having us as guest speakers! We had a blast sharing our paranormal experiences and findings with fellow ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts.
And a HUGE thank you to everyone who attended our class and ghost hunt! We hope you all had as much fun as we did.
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We're super excited to announce that we'll be co-hosts at the 5th annual Spirits of the Rockies Paranormal Convention in Cheyenne, Wyoming! Stop by our class on Saturday at 3:00pm in the Plains Hotel Grand Ballroom A and say hi - we promise we won't slime you. ;)
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There's a new EVP up on our Youtube channel - captured in a very creepy room on the third floor of the Florence, Colorado Elks Lodge #611! Give it a listen here.
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We're off to Cripple Creek, Colorado to investigate the historic and haunted Hotel St. Nicholas, the original hospital that used to serve the town! Read more about it here.
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Group photo from our Denver Public Library visit! Who ya gonna call? ;)
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We're super excited to announce that we'll be standing in for The Ghost Finders this Saturday, August 13th, in Florence, Colorado for their Steampunk Spirit Expedition! We'll be giving a presentation on the basics of ghosthunting, sharing some of our evidence we've captured, and then doing some hands on fun with a spirit box session and K-II readings with the audience.
Come dressed in your steampunk best and see us tomorrow night from 7-9pm at the Elks Lodge in Florence, Colorado! We won't bite but we can't speak for the ghosts... ;)
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Yesterday our team got together at the Central branch of the Denver Public Library to do some research on the archives floor. And because the basement is reported to be haunted by the ghost of a former librarian, we absolutely HAD to check it out! None of us was expecting this...we got some insane K-II activity as well as an EVP in which it sounds like someone is shushing us. :O
Here's the video, from our Youtube channel which we're working on starting up. We'll be adding lots more content very soon so we would love it if you subscribed! <3
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Please welcome another new member of the Ghost Hunter Girls - Michelle! She's a creative soul with a high sense of intuition, and her sensitivity to certain places, people, and situations will be an invaluable resource to the team. Welcome aboard, Michelle!
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Welcome, Ami and Tonya, to the Ghost Hunter Girls! Bios for two of our new members are up on our About Us page. Ami brings a healthy dose of skepticism to our team, and Tonya's skills with previous experiences is a valuable addition. Let's get bustin'! :-)
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I'm super excited to announce that some exciting things are happening for the Ghost Hunter Girls! We have a professional new logo, a great new team assembled, and more content in the works - a new investigation report is on its way soon and we'll be uploading EVP's and videos to our Youtube channel very soon. Stay tuned for lots of updates and an introduction to the fearless ladies who chase after the things that go bump in the night!
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John Cameron's gravestone in the Central City Masonic Cemetery was sadly barren of flowers...looks like the legendary Lady in Black, a spirit rumoured to be his betrothed who leaves flowers at his grave, has given up the ghost!
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G.H.G leader Heidi here, and I want to apologize for the lack of activity! It's pretty much just me running the show now, and I am busily working on assembling a new team while working with a few other local groups on joint projects and investigations. I'm spending the 4th of July weekend in Blackhawk and Central City to investigate the notorious Masonic Cemetery as well as what's left of Nevadaville, Colorado, so stay tuned for new updates and content.
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Happy Friday the 13th! Do you love exploring spooky places full of history and mystery? Are you a lady who isn't afraid of the dark, and who runs after scary noises in the night with a camera and audio recorder in hand? Does bustin' make you feel good? If any of these apply to you and you're a female who's 21 years of age or older, we are currently recruiting new members!
The Ghost Hunter Girls team is in need of reliable women who are willing to put time and effort into gathering and analyzing data, and who are willing to travel to locations on a regular basis. We are also looking for remote members who are willing to contribute content to our investigations and website while being representatives for the Ghost Hunter Girls within their local area. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who wishes to help people and to learn more about the paranormal field; if you are interested in joining GHG, please contact us.
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Heidi here! I'm off to the very haunted Denver Firefighter's Museum for a weekend investigation. Thanks again for your patience as I temporarily run this show alone, and as always, if you are interested in joining the Ghost Hunter Girls, please contact me!
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G.H.G leader Heidi here, and I want to apologize for the lack of activity! It's pretty much just me running the show now, and I am busily working on assembling a new team while working with a few other local groups on joint projects and investigations. Plus the busiest months for ghosthunting are now in full swing, and I'm planning some exciting investigations to a few new places here in Colorado I have never been to, as well a return visit to my favorite haunted place in Peoria, Illinois - the Bartonville State Hospital!
As always, if you are interested in joining the Ghost Hunter Girls, please contact me, and thanks again for your patience as I temporarily run this show alone!
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Do you love exploring spooky places full of history and mystery? Are you a lady who isn't afraid of the dark, and who runs after scary noises in the night with a camera and audio recorder in hand? Does bustin' make you feel good? If any of these apply to you and you're a female who's 21 years of age or older, we are currently recruiting new members!
The Ghost Hunter Girls team is in need of reliable women who are willing to put time and effort into gathering and analyzing data, and willing to travel to locations on a regular basis. We are also looking for remote members who are willing to contribute content to our investigations and website while being representatives for the Ghost Hunter Girls within their local area. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who wishes to help people and to learn more about the paranormal field; if you are interested in joining GHG, please contact us.
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Getting ready to return to Silver Cliff to see if we can catch us some spook lights in the cemetery!
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The Central City Catholic Cemetery never fails to disappoint! There is a mystery to be solved there involving a little girl named Anna and the weather is warm enough to make a trip out this weekend to try to solve it.
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Deep in the heart of winter, spirits seem to sleep beneath the snow; while this time of year is quiet for us as far as investigations go, we know that the things that stir in the darkness are still all around us. While travel to some of our favorite places to investigate here in Colorado is difficult this time of year because of the snow and the cold, it doesn't stop us from planning trips when better weather comes around!
Some places are also haunting in their own right when cast in winter's shadow...Cheesman Park, with all its dark history aside, never fails to take my breath away when wrapped in a silent shroud of snow.
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We've wrapped up 2014 with one last ghost hunt - a return to the Highlands Ranch Mansion! There are lots of photos, video, and audio to go through, so stay tuned.
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GHG Leader Heidi here! We are in the midst of our busy season so updates on our site here will be a little slow...don't forget to follow us on Facebook, as we post updates and pictures much more frequently there, often even live from location! You can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GhostHunterGirls.
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October is coming up fast, and this is our busiest one to date! We've got a lot lined up, including a return to the Highlands Ranch Mansion as well as our first investigation of the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park. Stay tuned for more details!
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Hotel Colorado did not disappoint! We can't wait to share our findings. There is one room in the hotel that is so active it can no longer be rented out, and though we were skeptical at first, our investigation there changed our minds!
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Guess where we're going this weekend? A ghosthunt at the legendary Hotel Colorado is in order, along with a visit to Doc Holliday's grave in Linwood
Cemetery. We might just dress up in historic clothing and offer Doc a shot of whiskey to coax him out!
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So Kellee and I just got back from a nighttime investigation of the Catholic Cemetery in Central City...wow! I think there was more activity there than at the casinos. There is one grave there that always sends the K2 into a frenzy, and it didn't disappoint this time either. We had a ghost box with us this time too...there is nothing creepier than listening to the hiss of radio static in the dark of night surrounded by thousands of dead bodies. =P
Speaking of casinos and creepy, I think we made a new friend...Kellee lured him in with her amazing bigfoot impression! Can I keep him, mom?
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Hello all! GHG Leader Heidi here. Far too often it seems like life gets in the way of things; people, interests, and adventures come and go. I've been running the Ghost Hunter Girls for several years now, and as team members lose interest, I keep on hunting and haunting solo. I am currently looking for new members in the Denver area - if you are interested please shoot me an email!
That being said, I've gone through and dusted everything off and will focus on the tedious task of getting more of my findings up. I love that so many of you have contacted me to share your stories about some of the locations GHG has visited! You can never share too much information when it comes to the paranormal, as it's a continuous learning experience.
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Sometimes even the best of us have to give in to our inner Scooby Doo fan!
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Happy Friday the 13th from the Ghost Hunter Girls! May your day be free of black cats, broken mirrors, men with machetes, and suspiciously placed ladders. ;-)
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The G.H.G. Team is kicking fall off with a bang...and tackling a paranormal investigation of Denver's own famously haunted Cheesman Park! We are super excited for our ghost hunt this weekend at this huge city cemetery turned picnic place, as its sordid history of hacked up corpses crammed into tiny child sized coffins and bodies left behind have left a noticably negative energy about the place.
We're assembling the whole team and bringing out all the equipment - hope we catch something!
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"Fear not that sound like wind in the trees, it is only their call that comes on the breeze; fear not the shudder that seems to pass, for it is only the tread of their feet on the grass.
Fear not the brush of the trees as you walk...it is only the touch of their hands that stalk.
For the year's on the turn, and it's nearing Samhain, when the past no longer rests and returns once again."
The Ghost Hunter Girls have been on a very long hiatus...for a while, we disbanded and were no more. But I'm very happy to say that we have returned once again! We are now located in Colorado, and aside from our Founder, Heidi, have an entirely new crew.
Colorado is rich in history and legends of hauntings, from old mining boomtowns to cemeteries haphazardly turned into parks; stay tuned and be sure to check back as we'll have some new investigations coming soon to tell you all about!
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! The G.H.G. Team will be working off that turkey dinner this coming Saturday with a return overnight investigation of the U.S.S. Hornet!
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Happy Halloween from the Ghost Hunter Girls team to all the ghosts and ghouls out there!
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Just returned from the overnight ghost hunt at the old Berenda Elementary school. What an amazing place! There is a house behind the property that had a confirmed death, where the caretaker passed away. It was very active for us...a sleeve was pulled, a rock was thrown, and we even have an EVP or two!
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There's a new investigation report posted on the forgotten ghost town of Vishnu Springs. A few very interesting photographs were captured in and around the ruins of the old Capitol Hotel, so be sure to read the article and share your thoughts with us! Ghost towns aren't something commonly found in the midwest, and this one is truly a legend with tales of forbidden love and tragic death.
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Heidi has just gotten a new investigation scheduled, and she's super excited! Schoolhouses can be paranormal hotspots for residual activity, and in October, she will be investigating a two-room schoolhouse that's over one hundred years old!
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Ghost Hunter Girl Heidi has just returned from a trip to Illinois, where some time was spent investigating one of her favorite places again...Alton, Illinois. Watch for an update to the Alton City Cemetery page, as some additional findings will be added to the article soon.
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Stay tuned for a sneak peek or two from Heidi and Rachel's Placerville investigation! Placerville, once officially named Hangtown, is a historic mining town in the El Dorado county hills in Northern California which is famous for its sordid past and haunted history...
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As with all hauntings, just because we've been quiet it doesn't mean we've gone away! Lots of things have been going on behind the scenes for us and we've been keeping very busy. We have a new logo which you can see on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We also have some new friends up in our links section: The Claremont Paranormal Society.
We've also got a new investigation posted - Glen Haven Memorial Park. This remote cemetery has never failed to provide us with some sort of activity, and we have some interesting photos and EVP's we've shared on the page! Go check it out and let us know what you think.
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Happy new year everyone! Here's to looking forward to many wonderful things to come.
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A new investigation report has been posted by Patte. The William S. Hart House in Newhall, California, is not only historic for its famous owner, but it is also full of history...and perhaps a little something else! Read more about it here.
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Happy Halloween from the Ghosthunter Girls!
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Ghosthunter Girls Heidi & Patte have a big day ahead of them today - investigating the USS Hornet! They will attempt to determine if it's haunted or not; stay tuned as they will be posting their findings here soon. For more information on this military aircraft carrier, click here.
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A new investigation has been posted - the Alton City Cemetery in Alton, Illinois. Alton has long been known as one of the most haunted towns in the Midwest, and even its oldest graveyard yielded some very interesting...and eerie...finds. Read more about it here.
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Welcome to the online home of the Ghosthunter Girls! Two investigations are up, one for Calico Ghost Town in California and one for Old Salem Cemetery in Illinois. We'll be adding lots more articles over the next few months, including some of our unexplainable audio, video, and photographic findings.
I'm also very excited about an upcoming event we have scheduled - an overnight investigation aboard the USS Hornet! This will be added to our list of findings, and we're hoping to have lots of material to share with the public after the visit to this 40,000 ton aircraft carrier.
Want to become a Ghosthunter Girl? Have a question for us or a suggestion for a place you think should be investigated? Then contact us here!
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We're now adding content to the Investigations section. Stories, findings and more are being added. And we'll be launching the website October 1st! We're all very excited.
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Ghosthunter Girls will be going live by October 1st. Please excuse our mess while content is added to the site!